Trang An the 1st mixed UNESCO World Heritage of Vietnam

Trang An is the first compound World Heritage of Vietnam (Culture and Nature), justified of Outstanding Universal Value of archeology and landscape. Since 1992 significant interactions between people and the natural environment have been recognized as cultural landscapes. In 2014, the World Heritage Committee added sites to the World Heritage List: 26 New inscriptions including 21 Cultural, 4 Natural and only 1 Mixed Heritage. Trang An is proud to be the 11th Mixed World Heritage of Asia-Pacific region.

Trang An UNESCO World Heritage

Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site on 23 June 2014 at the 38th session held in Doha,

Cultural value: Trang An contains the evidences of the exchange between human and environment, proving the adaptability of human with the changes of nature and the most severe weather conditions of Earth history.

Boating in Trang An

Boating inside Trang An karst caves looks as if you were getting lost among a matrix of caves.

Esthetic value: Trang An shows the superb landscape with imposing karst mountains, tranquil river, hidden caves blended with serene pagodas and temples.

Trang An river and lakes

Trang An crystal water can be seen clearly especially during dry season of September and October.

Apart from natural and cultural premier value, Trang An World Heritage is recognized by UNESCO in term of the good management and preservation by local goverment. In Trang An, there are 1,200 rattan boats according to 1,200 families serving tourists daily. Each family earns little from tourism activities but they hardly ask for travelers’ tips. A major of the tourism revenue is recycled into ecology reserve actions.

Rowing through Trang An caves

Rowing through the caves is the most interesting activity in Trang An.

In Trang An, you have 3 boating options: in 45 minutes, in 1 hour or in 2 hours. Most travelers choose rowing in 2 hours, which you travel in a roundtrip through 7 caves, each of them is from 300m to 700m long. The caves are linking to each other by hidden rivers. Rowing along the hidden rivers and inside caves is the most interesting feeling in Trang An.

Trang An mixed World Heritage

Trang An is the 11th mixed UNESCO World Heritage of Asia-Pacific.

Since 2008, local goverment has put much efforts to promote Trang An to both domestic and foreign travelers. As a result, tours to Trang An are now popular choices in Ninh Binh province. Within 1 day, you can book group tour from Hanoi at US$ 35/person, or take a private tour suitable for adventurers, or for pilgrim, or for scientists.

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